Monday, February 28, 2011

Talkative Parrot Piyo

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

いい部屋ネット/Good Room Network

My hometown is surrounded by many nurseries. I've heard even a lot of Japanese maples are supplied from Oregon.

Crown Melons are Famous in Fukuroi, Japan, sister city of my hometown in Oregon

If you want to know something about living expenses in Japan, you can check out apartment costs at that site. Which is kind of fun. Even though depending on the program/employer you lprobably don't get to pick your first apartment.

I caught a cold and it is not fun. Tomona will be here on Saturday and I wanted to be bright eyed, bushytailed, and excited to meet her but looks like I'm just struggling to survive this week. Luckily it is just a cold, there hasn't been a fever involved, so that says something about the severity. The congestion has been keeping me from sleeping well which is making all the difference.

Grumble grumble.

I can't wait for acupuncture because I know one day I had aches and pains and felt all stiff and as soon as it was over I felt wonderful. That's on Thursday.

No word back from the requirements committee.

My net -interview with the ALT company went well, although talking on skype is darn hard. My connection is no good and a lot of the conversation tends to get garbled up. Anyway, excited about my interview with them over the break and looked at the positions in Aichi and Shizuoka. All of them look like they're in really awesome places.

The most interesting to me is one in Mori, Japan which is by Fukuroi, Shizuoka. Fukuroi is my city's sister city and their relationship began in November 1988. My birthday, year and all! It's like I am the patron saint of the Fukuroi-Hillsboro sister city relationship! I'd definitely love to get that post sometime... and would definitely love to live in a rural place.

Anywayyy didn't get the interview information e-mail so I'll be getting back to them about that... so far so good except for this darn cold (and all the catch-up I'm going to be playing... good thing Tomona is coming and we can do the reading together, it will be good for her English and good for my Japanese)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


My paper for Japanese 435. Agggh. So before I turn in the final paper 2 weeks from now, I definitely want time to clean it up and put some quotationssss in it. That's sort of something I haven't had time to think about at alll this term.

Kafka on the shore by ~fdrawer on deviantART



 最初に村上春樹に接した時は高校2年生の時にあったのだろう。ザ・ニューヨーカー (The New Yorker)と言うアメリカでの文学や政治的な記事のある雑誌で書評を読んでから本屋さんに行って、英語のバージョンを買って読めた。実は、初めて日本人作家の作品を読んだことだった。海辺のカフカを一度読んで、今年大学4年生の頃までに読んでいなかったのだ。初めて読んだ時に頭に浮かんだことは本の読の起こった夢にいる気持ちだった。さらに、もう一度作品を読めて、批判家の述べる「もう一度ゆっくり読まなければ」という助言と賛成だ。「海辺のカフカ」を読んでから、村上の作品に興味を持つようになって、いくつかの彼のフィックション原作を読んだ。また、今学期の授業では人気のある、映画化にした『ノルウェーの森』にも接した。それで、本稿で簡単に「海辺のカフカ」のあらすじや話しの背景を説明して、書評と村上のインタビューに言ったことを紹介しようと思っていう。本稿では、『海辺のカフカ』と『ノルウェーの森』に出る主題の比較もできるのではないかと思う。





 簡単だけ読めば、深く考えずに『海辺のカフカ』 と『ノルウェーの森』は違いたくさんあるようだ。それで、作家を分からなかったら、おそらく2冊は違う作家があるみたいのではないかと思う。『ノルウェイーの森』を読んだら、非常に現実的で、30歳男の人の大学の頃の恋や人生、生きがいについてのことを体験するのが小説の話題になる。逆に、『海辺のカフカ』は若い15歳の男の子の話である。また、小説ではなくて、村上が『アンダグラウンド』の仕事を終えてから、そのSFと彼の中で話が多くて、『海辺のカフカ』が長編になった。しかし、この違いを別として、この本稿ではいくつかの共通点を教えたいと思っています。その共通点を二つの種類に分ける。一つのは村上の文学的、書いたのスタイルである。次に、主題的な共通点を教えたいと思う。

 文学的やスタイル的には、両方のタイトルが大切で、曲の名である。『ノルウェイーの森』のタイトルはビートルズの歌で、『海辺のカフカ』は人物佐伯さんの作った曲の名であった。だが、二つのタイトルは歌の名だけではなく、深く本のモチーフや主題を読者に見せると思う。『ノルウェイーの森』では、3人主人公(トオル、直子、緑)もうどうか、森に迷っていたみたいに生きていたと感じた。それは、トオルの大学生の頃の思い出に揺り動かしたことであるのではないかと思う。その過程で、前に感じた気持ちに迷ったとの読者には印象的で残っている。『海辺のカフカ』の曲はわずかに違う。どうしてかというと、『海辺のカフカ』の曲は話の人物の歌った歌であった。その場合の比喩を理解できるのが難しい。カフカはどういう海辺にいる?海岸や海はどういう比喩になるの分からないが、研究や文学的な論議のため興味深いと思う。他の書き方の共通点は村上の上手にできる一人称や手紙を利用することだ。 一人称で書いたら、キャラクタの気持ちを強く感じれて、それは一つの夢見るの気持ちを起こす理由のではないか。書き方から物語に出る主題を話変えしようと思っている。




村上春樹『ノルウェイーの森』 (1987) 講談社

村上春樹『海辺のカフカ』 (2002) 講談社

インタビュー、村上春樹、 『海辺のカフカについて』

最近読んだ本『海辺のカフカ』とその書評について 〔数筆者〕




一人称:いちにんしょう:1st Person

三人称:さんにんしょう:3rd Person






[1] 催眠:さいみん:TranceHypnotic state

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Favorite Maizuru Video

The timing of the kuroneko truck passing by is priceless. This could easily become a scene in some animated film somewhere.

Can't Hold Me Down

Maizuru, Kyoto, Japan
Looks kind of like Gakke no Ue no Ponyo (ENG. PONYO)

So far so good. The term is catching up with me and I've been tired this week, but ballet last night seemed to pull me out of it. When I get tired I am so tempted to not work out or move at all... but it really helps. So moral of the story, when you're feeling tired just give some light exercise a whirl (ballet isn't that light ; ) So I guess i'm pretty strong these days)...

There is definitely something to say about changing up your brain-waves. I feel like I use the same part of my brain all day at school and blowing off steam through activity is just what I need.

I will be going to JAPAN for the first time since 2007 very soon. I've got some interviews there and am excited that most of them are in AICHI where a lot of my friends are located. (Although, not all of them are there, there are a lot in HIROSHIMA and of course most exchange students I meet at uni are from KANTO-Tokyo) Depending on what happens at the companies, I am very interested in interviewing for a job in MAIZURU, Japan. Besides having an awesome name, it is a small port town with a lot of beaches. I bet they get a lot of stuff coming in from Korea (or maybe it is more of a symbolic military-type port, I'm not sure.)

There is someone on Youtube who is documenting culture through driving around his town (MAIZURU) and along the TANBA highway. He usually sets these adventures to great music. I will go home and find the movie I bookmarked. Anyway it's fun to youtube all the cities where there are jobs.

It might be best to start out in Aichi where I know some people, but I'm totally up for living away from it all in a small town. Watching the youtube videos I've totally fallen in love with Maizuru and even if I don't get the job, it will certainly be a pleasure to travel there.

One of the companies is an ALT company, based largely out of Nagoya (Aichi) which is a great plus, but they have jobs all over the place in locations that I know. I would love to be an ALT... as my inkling is that its more of an immersing type experience in Japanese culture. You're not only an English teacher but become part of a school. I know a lot depends on the school and how many schools you're working at.

I'd be happy anywhere, I hope at least one of these interviews will result in a job... and wouldn't that be great if I got my pick! I know the market isn't what it used to be but I know I'm qualified and I've been wanting this forever... so it's just a matter of making things reality.


BIG RANT (ignore if you're so inclined)

One thing standing in my way is the Academic Requirements Committee. I had to apply to have a sociology class I took for honors college to be counted as non-history "social science" credit. The committee refused it, stating that they wouldn't be disturbing my plans too much to detain me here to take a class. Oh my, all I can say bureaucracy in this shade is not my favorite. It has been stressing me, but that is another thing that ballet helped me take off my mind.

My writing credit has already been taken care of.

The Committee will reconvene since the writing credit waiver has only just processed.

It just makes your soul hurt to be in such a situation. How to get through human emotion and need in such a detached, bureaucratic situation.

We will see. Must keep my thoughts positive and visualize what I want to happen.

But it's left me feeling heartbroken and strung out this week.

I'll keep you posted. It's a life lesson, but I'm not going down without fighting this. I legitimately took a sociology class when I was in the honors college. Honors college didn't work out, but I still paid (honors college fees, by the way) and did my time. It's not like I'm evading a requirement... I just fulfilled it by the means that had been described to me at the time.

Universities... are... difficult to deal with. But I think things might work out. My degree audit was updated today to show that I completed my writing credit.

I explained my entire situation... I don't understand how anyone can deny someone's pleas. Gosh it's like being on trial. They bring up everything and have grilled me. Sprinkle me with salt and eat me whole. Anything is better than seeing my dreams which are so close now being taken away now because they will not see my sociology class (400 level with a thesis paper, I might add, which WAS honors college gen ed), as EQUIVALENT to 200 level intro survey classes. How is that inequivalent? Doesn't that EXCEED? It's honors because they force you to go ABOVE and BEYOND... so why is the beyond being punished?

Where is the logic in the world? Where is it? I don't see it. But I have seen the face of pure evil. Sometimes I forget it exists, but then there are things like this to show you that it is truly out there. Watch your back. Dot your i's and cross your t's.

Phew that was quite a vent. But I am hoping in my heart of hearts, since they are meeting again, and they said that "having the writing requirement not met" "tipped the balance" (even though I explained that it was already approved... but JUST NOW processed today after I e-mailed various people all around the university) so they will meet again now that it is processed.

Someone save us all.

No, I cannot "just take an online poli-sci class" (Why? Isn't that like going backward since I have already done all this honors work in sociology?) because then I wont' get my visa and I won't be able to work.


End rant. Sorry for that. I will try to post little tidbits about various cities in Japan that interest me. POSITIVE stuff.


This weekend I'm writing a paper about Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore. It's turning into a comparison to Norwegian Wood... which is fitting since we are covering it in class. So similarities, differences, things that become themes for Haruki Murakami.

It will be posted in Japanese. Since I have to write it in Japanese. The fun part will be making the powerpoint/presentation on it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Time Difference Between Japan and Oregon

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Bearfoam! A lovely photo of a special latte, by Chicago student-artist Nicole Rapp. How cute is that?

I had to share... and take a brief interlude from my studies and job hunting.

It's been about two weeks since my last acupuncture... and about one more week to go. I haven't gone this long for a while and everything is ok, but I'm definitely missing the sense of peace that it gives me! I also feel like I might be regretting stopping yoga. Even though I didn't feel it when I was there, I think it helps recenter and reset the body when there is so much school stress. I'm doing a ballet class that day instead, and my does my foot-ball hurt (ball of my foot.) I think the bone under the pad is irritated... I didn't realize I had such big calluses down there when I used to dance!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Newest Blog!

So, based on all the ESL and Japan jobs stuff, as well as the just-for-fun language (Japanese) blogs, I started a new blog at

It's for:

-finding an EFL (and other jobs too) in Japan.
-gathering EFL language materials for teachers in a pinch
-personal anecdotes about the process/life teaching English in Japan
-Writings in Japanese and notes about language for Japanese language learners. (Always open to correction, though, when I make mistakes

I'll let you know when it gets up and running, for now it's just starting out.

Peace out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hershey's Wing Show

My cockatiel Hershey doing a wing show. There's no way to make him do it, but he bursts into song and dance at random times of his own accord.