Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hershey Spaz Attack

My bird having a spaz attack. I'm missing him since I went away. Finally got it on youtube though! It's almost like he's here ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Gang Gang Cockatoo

I first came to know the gang-gang cockatoo when I watched a PBS special. The females have light grey crests while the males have those wacky red crests. Something about their colors and the texture just reminds me of punk bikers. I find it hilarious that nature has made some "biker" looking creatures. The term "Gang-Gang" suits these perfectly. They are native to the southeastern area of Australia in the more temperate forests. Wikipedia does not have much written on these creatures.

There is even an actual villa/cottage area in Australia where you can go and be in contact with the birds.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I would like to go to Australia

I absolutely love birds, and most of my favorites are species in Australia. These include all the cockatoos, but mostly the Gang-Gang and Major-Mitchell's Cockatoo. Don't forget cockatiels and budgies. Just imagine my excitement when I was on a random tangent and I found that Australia is minting a series of special edition coins featuring its fabulous birds. I took a screen shot of one of these dollars being sold for $15. Very special. Can't deny that I'm tempted (but won't purchase)... and even more tempted to go to Australia. But I'm saving money for a house with land.

I do have things to say about Korea but that will have to wait for another day.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hanbok Shopping and More

Hi folks.

I arrived safely in Korea! Asiana is a pretty good airline. But we also were on one of their new passenger jets so everything is a little cleaner and they're fully equipped with toothbrushes and all kinds of plastic wrapped odds and ends that wayward travelers may need. But travel anxiety and "travel gut" got the best of me at about 5 hours into it. Traveler gut is still bothering me, but psyllium husk powder and Max's mom's good food is helping me through it. Bibimbap at 40,000 feet wasn't bad either, although the western style dishes were as icky as other airlines' food.

One of the first things we had to do here was go hanbok shopping! We're eventually going to do a ceremony here in Korea, and ideally my folks will come and we'll be able to take photos together. And we must do it right wearing the Korean traditional dress, hanbok. It was a very interesting hole in the wall shop, full of silk fabrics and embroidered tapestries with fanciful scenes of mountains, peaches, cranes, tigers. It reminded me a bit of a room in my grandmother's house where she kept her buttons. My words can't do it justice, so I will let some photos speak for themselves. The original design hanboks are so beautiful.