Hello Blogspot World:
I have started a blog exclusively to follow my writings and fiction at http://maliaautiofiction.blogspot.com
It's for short writings, musings, and brainstorming writing exercises as well as for writing about the writing process and announcing any developments in full length completed works and such (if I can get to that point!) I did it in high school, I can't see why I can't do it now.
I have released my first ever full length novel's first edition. I wrote and edited this book during the time between eighth grade and sophomore year of high school. And I've chosen to e-publish this edition for kindle. Perhaps I will do print-on-demand available through Amazon once I've done a complete edit and overhaul. This will require getting back in touch with the characters to the point I feel I can accurately explore them on the written page. You really have to know your characters, even better than you know your friends. Hell, you have to feel and imagine for them. It's hard freaking work when you work a full time job. I can see why there's the stereotype that writers have to be holed up by themselves, and I'm just not that solitary of a person. Although I'm rediscovering passion for my projects.
It is imperfect, but fundamentally I think it's a great story so if you can see past little glitches, have a lot of time on your hands, and just want to see a story written from a young pure heart, this is the story for you. All original characters, and all original story line:
It is imperfect, but fundamentally I think it's a great story so if you can see past little glitches, have a lot of time on your hands, and just want to see a story written from a young pure heart, this is the story for you. All original characters, and all original story line:
This is available at Amazon.com kindle store. Kindle is functional on PCs, Kindles, iPads, and Macs once you download the software. http://www.amazon.com/Pity-Smacked-ebook/dp/B008CXL0TC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1340989605&sr=8-1&keywords=pity+smacked