Untitled Work in Progress: Plot Synopsis
Genre: Young - Adult - Fiction - Realistic - Coming of Age
Samren Trouillefou is living contently in his French town of Lourdes with his withdrawn widower father with the feeling that nothing will ever change when he enters his last year of high school. He soon finds himself jerked out of comfort and complacency with his village life when his brother introduces him to a British-French near his age named Elliott Thomas. Samren is immediately drawn to the stranger's intensity and disregard for the rigid tradition so revered by the town. What's more, due a business decision his father declares that the family will move to Paris. Additionally, his father promises that they will host an American exchange student for the year as a condition of the buisiness promotion.
What results is a story that explores the role of memory, coming-of-age, as well as identity as Samren is wrenched forever from his quiet country life in Lourdes and faced with growing up quickly among new and exciting: but at times challenging and dangerous influences and people.
Using this work without recognition of the author, especially without express permission, or using any part of this plots or character names is stealing and a violation of intellectual property rights.
I'm so excited to be working on this story! Right now in my mind I usually refer to it as "Lourdes, August" but I'm not sure if by the time I finish the work that I'll feel the title is representative of the book.